Visa Freedom Working Group of AEGEE-Europe 

     "Freedom of movement for the place we call home"


AEGEE has the conviction that youth mobility is essential in Europe to encourage cooperation and strengthen democratic values, human rights and tolerance amongst youth. With the increasing cooperation and integration of European Union countries, and the expansion of the Schengen zone, many European students can travel easier than ever before. However, the external borders of the European Union are becoming more difficult to cross, isolating many other young Europeans.


Through this website AEGEE hopes to support its members as well as European students and youth in general.  You can find information on visa regulations and procedures as well as practical advise, or, if that is not enough, personal support through the Pool of Visa Experts.


Please also remember to share your experiences with us. Positive experiences can help others. In case of any negative experiences, report them to us so that we can use them in our lobby efforts.


See more about AEGEE, this working group and our board members. If you are interested in this working group, you can contact us or directly join our rows.